About File Protection Server

Datto File Protection Server was developed to run on server operating systems to back up the files stored on local, attached, or network drives.

File Protection Server always runs in service mode, which ensures that it's constantly backing data up, even on unattended devices. You'll manage File Protection Server installations on the Servers page.

End users will monitor and manage their File Protection Server experience through a series of screens accessible from the server itself. For more information, refer to File Protection Server: Preferences, File Protection Server: Progress, and File Protection Server: Manage Backups.

For system requirements, refer to File Protection Server requirements.

Ideal for backing up file servers

File Protection Server is designed specifically to back up file servers. File Protection Server is not intended for use in backing up application, Active Directory, Domain, SQL, or Exchange servers.

To back up servers other than file servers, we recommend that you use an image-based backup server, such as the appropriate Datto Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDCR) solution.

While it is possible to back up SQL and Exchange server files using (for more information, please refer to the Backing up low-availability files section of How Backups Work), a purpose-built solution for those mission-critical servers from our Datto BCDR product range provides a far superior solution.