Getting support from Datto

We love solving problems! But before we can assist with technical queries, we require a detailed issue description and the relevant IDs.

Why are IDs required?

IDs are the only information we know with certainty are unique. They allow us to immediately locate the relevant information, access a wealth of further information on the back end and, most fundamentally, ensure that we're providing an accurate response based on the variables specific to your account.

Which IDs are required?

Reseller ID - Always required

User ID - If the issue is experienced within File Protection Online.

Device ID - If the issue is in reference to a particular device.

Team ID - If an issue affects one specific team.

The How to... section of this topic details how to find your IDs.

In addition to the relevant IDs and issue description, the table below describes additional information that you can provide which will help expedite the process of finding a resolution to the reported problem.

Information Description
A concise, detailed description of the issue Remember, we only know what you tell us! The more descriptive information you provide, the quicker we can understand the issue and find a resolution.
Steps to reproduce If the issue is reproducible, provide step-by-step instruction of how to reproduce the issue/error.
Troubleshooting performed To avoid us asking you to perform steps you've already tried, let us know each step you've tried already and the outcome of each step.
Screenshots / screen recording Seeing the issue can often be very helpful. Where appropriate, provide screen shots or a screen recording.
Logs If the issue is regarding the File Protection Desktop or Server agent, attach the log. Refer to Find your log files.
Date, time & time zone So we can identify the appropriate log entries. where possible include information regarding the date, time and time zone when the issue occurred.

For technical assistance, please submit a support ticket with the relevant information, as described above.

How to...


For a more detailed description of our support processes, refer to the Kaseya Helpdesk.